One-Click Simulation
Exploration is immediate; at the click of a button you have access to all values from every component in your model. Zoom into a region of interest and choose from built-in plot styles with a point-and-click interface.
Rapidly compare designs and scenarios; simulate models with different parameter settings and plot them together, side by side or as parametric plots. Store as many different plots as you like and have them automatically updated and plotted when simulating.
Instant Animations
Plot the value of a system variable with a single click. Plot multiple variables, create parametric plots and choose from built-in plot styles with a point-and-click interface.
Attach visualization geometries from CAD software to components, and automatically create live 3D animations for models with 3D mechanical components. Connect to the Wolfram Language for programmable custom visualization.
Custom Plotting & Visualization

Create custom plots of variables, such as 3D plots and sensitivity bands, directly from simulation results. Results are available for use in any visualization function in the Wolfram Language.
Define custom graphics, animations and customizable user interfaces for running simulations and visualizing the results.

Simulate with Real Data
Set parameters and inputs using different data sources to realistically simulate models. Programmatically access Wolfram|Alpha's huge collection of data on weather, material properties, commodity prices and hundreds of other areas.
Connect to your own data sources such as databases and data sheets. Data can be imported from any of the 100+ formats natively supported by the Wolfram Language.
Real-Time Simulation Interface
Gain a better understanding of your models by viewing simulation results in real time. Send control signals and change parameters in a running simulation using interactive controls, such as sliders and gauges, in the Wolfram Language.
Visualize your results by creating custom interactive dashboards for your simulations.