Inactive Objects

Version 10 introduces a flexible framework for performing formal operations. It is now possible to prevent evaluation of individual symbols or entire expressions. This level of fine control over the evaluation process is available both while inactivating and activating expressions. The impact of the new functionality is systemwide and leads to improved workflow, deep insights, and greater efficiency in computational, programming, and calculus operations.

  • Create inactive symbols or expressions with ease. »
  • Evaluate parts of inactivated expressions in a controlled manner. »
  • Identify inactive objects using distinctive, consistent styling. »
  • Build high-quality tables of formulas from elementary and advanced mathematics.
  • Display function identities by comparing unevaluated and evaluated forms.
  • Gain insight into standard computational algorithms and mathematical tricks.
  • Apply code transformations to create robust and optimized functions.
  • Accelerate the debugging process by selectively inactivating portions of your code.
  • Exploit formal properties of fundamental operators in calculus.
  • Manipulate integral and summation transforms in inactive form.
  • Explore general solution schemes for classical partial differential equations.

Create Inactive Symbols and Expressions »

Make Addition and Multiplication Tables »

Display Common Trigonometric Values »

Display Function Identities »

Derive a Least-Squares Solution »

Use Inactive for Debugging a Program »

Transform Code »

Optimize Code »

Prepare a Cheat Sheet for Calculus »

Explore Vector Calculus Identities »

Compute with Integral Transforms »

Apply Formal Operators in Discrete Calculus »

Use Feynman's Trick for Evaluating Integrals »

Create Galleries of Special Sums and Integrals »

Study Maxwell’s Equations »

Solve the Three-Dimensional Laplace Equation »