
Mathematica 12: Blockchain

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are becoming important tools for a new kind of computational economy, smart contracts, distributed consensus and applications. Version 12 provides easy and intuitive reading and writing access to blockchains. Easily extract the data, get computable information and use it for the full range of applications, including analysis, statistics, data mining, machine learning and education. Be at the forefront of blockchain technology with the power of the Wolfram Language and its built-in natural language and knowledgebase capabilities.

Mathematica 12: Blockchain
  • Interact with computable data from blockchains. »
  • Connect to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other blockchains. »
  • Read data from computational contracts. »
  • Write and deploy your own computational contracts.
  • Automate tasks in blockchains. »
  • Create custom transactions. »
  • Learn about a blockchain by experimenting on testnets. »
  • Create and control your own private and public keys. »
  • Convert between conventional currencies and cryptocurrencies. »

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