New in Mathematica 12.1 & 12.1.1

Wordcloud for Mathematica 12.1
'VideoFrameList' extracts a list of images from a video
'HighlightImage' highlights the specified region of interest (roi) in an image
'SpeechInterpreter' represents an interpreter object that can be applied to a speech input to try to interpret it as an object of the specified form
'NetChain' specifies a neural
'Hide Column' hides a complete column of a table
'Dataset' represents a structured dataset based on a hierarchy of lists and associations
'TableView' displays as a spreadsheet-like table view
'PatternFilling' in combination with a  GeoGraphics Object allows to fill e.g. a map with an image
'Image3D' represents a 3D image

Version 12.1 continues Mathematica and the Wolfram Language's growth in visualization, audio and image processing, machine learning and neural networks, data access/storage and more with over 182 functions, and introduces new systems for video processing and paclet management.

Wolfram Mathematica Announcement Blog Stephen Wolfram's announcement blog for Version 12.1

New in Mathematica 12.1.1

  • Cryptography functions are more robust and consistent, including additional hashing methods for GenerateDigitalSignature
  • VideoStream now supports live streams, and video processing and export functions use H264/AAC codecs by default (when available)
  • Improved performance for Dataset and GridBox constructs, and increased stability for TableView
  • RLink can now use custom R installations up to Version 3.6
  • Improved data handling for StackedListPlot and StackedDateListPlot
  • Better handling of asymmetric uncertainties with Around
  • Better typesetting for DateObject
  • Resolved a slowdown in prime-number computations

New in Mathematica 12.1

  • Sophisticated video framework for programmatic viewing, processing and analysis of a range of multimedia types
  • Use FaceAlign to align faces in images based on facial landmarks
  • Identify molecules in an image with MoleculeRecognize
  • FindImageText for detecting the regions of an image containing a character, word, line or block of text
  • Use SpeechCases and SpeechInterpreter to identify text and entities in spoken audio, and compare speech with a reference clip with SpeakerMatchQ
  • Spreadsheet-like viewing, editing and manipulation of tabular data with TableView
  • New DataStructure framework for efficient creation, storage and manipulation of common data structures
  • Train generative models on various types of data with NetGANOperator
  • New ParametricRampLayer for computing leaky ReLU activation with a slope that can be learned
  • Include anomaly detection in machine learning functions with AnomalyDetector
  • Generate distributions over unordered classes with CategoricalDistribution
  • Paclet framework for representing, installing and managing local and remote paclets with functions such as PacletInstall, PacletFind, PacletSites, etc.
  • ExternalIdentifier for representing and referencing resources in external identifier systems
  • Upload files to an external storage such as Dropbox with ExternalStorageUpload
  • Search and retrieve values from Wikidata's SPARQL endpoint with WikidataSearch and WikidataData
  • Support for MicrosoftSQL, MySQL and other relational database formats
  • Interface to external programming languages like Julia, Ruby, and R
  • Securely store system passwords, secrets, keys, etc. locally with SystemCredential, and create digital file signatures from a given key with GenerateFileSignature
  • View and analyze ARK blockchain data and submit transactions
  • Mathematical HeunG function representing the regular solution of the general Heun equation
  • Compute asymptotic approximations and expansions for mathematical expressions with Asymptotic
  • Use GeometricOptimization to find positive values that minimize the posynomial objective subject to given constraints
  • Plot functions, regions and vectors in the complex plane with ComplexRegionPlot, ComplexContourPlot, ComplexVectorPlot, etc.
  • Several improvements and new options for vector visualization
  • Artistically fill 2D polygons with HatchFilling and PatternFilling, and shade 3D objects with StippleShading, ToonShading, HatchShading and other new graphics directives
  • Display values on maps as smoothly varying colors with GeoDensityPlot or as contours with GeoContourPlot
  • Make simplified tagged graphs with EdgeTaggedGraph, view tree graphs of expressions at any level with ExpressionGraph, and view the connectivity structure of a mesh with MeshConnectivityGraph
  • Solve the max-cut problem for a graph with FindMaximumCut
  • TimeRemaining for retrieving the seconds until a TimeConstrained computation will be terminated
  • DateInterval for representing time intervals continuously or at a given granularity, and MinDate/MaxDate for finding extrema in an interval or list of dates
  • Use CharacterNormalize to convert text to various Unicode normalization forms
  • Represent operator forms with OperatorApplied and CurryApplied, and use ReverseApplied to apply a function with arguments reversed
  • Operate on subsets/sublists with functions such as SubsetCases, SubsetPosition, SubsetCount, etc.
  • Combine and separate entity classes with UnionedEntityClass, IntersectedEntityClass and ComplementedEntityClass
  • Set annotations for objects as key-value pairs with Annotate
  • Windows and Linux notebook interface updated with HiDPI support
  • Windows 3D graphics rendering updated from Direct3D 9 to Direct3D 11
  • macOS 3D graphics rendering updated to use Metal API
  • Support for user-provided CUDA Toolkits

See the complete list of what's new in the Wolfram Language with Mathematica 12.1 on the Wolfram Research website

Mathematica 12.1 is a chargeable upgrade.