New in OriginPro 2020 und Origin 2020

OriginPro and Origin 2020 offer the following new features:

Mini Toolbars for Quick and Easy Graph Customization

Edit and customize graph elements quickly using Mini Toolbars in OriginPro and Origin.

These toolbars are sensitive to the type of graph and object selected. The buttons in the pop-up provide access to common customization options, so you can perform quick changes to your graph without opening complex dialogs.

Customize group or individual data plots, axes scales and styles, font settings for all text on the page, layer properties, page properties and more, using these convenient pop-up toolbars. You can even copy a data plot from one graph and paste it to another graph!

10x Faster Import of Large Text Files

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Faster Import of Large Text Files
Benchmark for Faster Import of Large Text Files

Importing large text files has been significantly improved in the latest version of OriginPro and Origin.

Import speed has been improved by a factor of 10 or more as compared to previous versions of OriginPro and Orign. This was done by making full use of the processor's multi-core architecture.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Faster Import of Large Text Files
Benchmark for Faster Import of Large Text Files

5x Faster Scatter Plots for Large Data

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Faster Scatter Plots for Large Data
Benchmark for Scatter Plots for Large Data

Scatter plots of large datasets are drawn much faster in the new version of OriginPro and Origin. This includes the default XY scatter plot as well as colormapped scatter plots in which a third column is used to assign scatter point color.

In addition, this new version also introduces two new plot types which produce more significant gains in plotting speed:

  • Density Dots Plot
  • Color Dots Plot

View sections below for details on these new plot types.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Faster Scatter Plots for Large Data
Benchmark for Scatter Plots for Large Data

Plot millions of points in seconds with the new Density Dots plot

OriginPro and Origin 2020: New Density Dots plot of 2 million data points. Colormap represents data density computed using a fast algorithm.
New Density Dots plot of 2 million data points. Colormap represents data density computed using a fast algorithm.

Density Dots is a new plot type introduced in OriginPro and Origin 2020 to create scatter plots from very large datasets on the order of millions of data points.

The data is presented as a scatter plot where the points are colormapped to the data density. The density is computed using a fast algorithm that utilizes 2D binned approximation and 2D interpolation.

Creating this plot from 2 million XY data points takes just 2 to 3 seconds! See table in section above.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: New Density Dots plot of 2 million data points. Colormap represents data density computed using a fast algorithm.
New Density Dots plot of 2 million data points. Colormap represents data density computed using a fast algorithm.

Enhanced Database Import

Several enhancements have been made to database import in this version of OriginPro and Origin:

  • Directly import images stored inside the database as pictures in worksheet cells
  • Protect imported data from editing, to ensure data integrity
  • Clear imported data when saving projects to reduce file size
  • Improved Ease of Use and performance

More information at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Database Import
Benchmark for Database Import
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Worksheet with data imported from database including images. Hovering on cell with image will display larger image as pop up.
Worksheet with data imported from database including images. Hovering on cell with image will display larger image as pop up.

Other Speed Improvements

OriginPro and Origin 2020 offer performance enhancements in several other areas such as Peak Analysis, Worksheet Data Filters, Contour Plotting, Worksheet Operations, and Importing Third Party files.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Peak Analysis
Benchmark for Peak Analysis
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Worksheet Data Filters
Benchmark for Worksheet Data Filters
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Contour Plotting
Benchmark for Contour Plotting
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Worksheet Operations
Benchmark for Worksheet Operations
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Benchmark for Importing Third Party files
Benchmark for Importing Third Party files

Pie and Doughnut Charts

Pie charts in OriginPro and Origin have been significantly revamped in this new version.

OriginLab has also introduced variations such as Doughnut plots with several customization options, and an improved 3D Pie chart.

More information at the OriginLab Blog

Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams

Two new plot types introduced in version 2020 of OriginPro and Origin:

These plot types are extremely useful to visualize the flow of data.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Sankey diagram of contributions from various groups during the 2018 election cycle.
Sankey diagram of contributions from various groups during the 2018 election cycle.
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Sankey diagram showing flow of water and energy
Sankey diagram showing flow of water and energy
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Alluvial diagram of Titanic survival data
Alluvial diagram of Titanic survival data


Dendrogram plots have been significantly enhanced in OriginPro and Origin 2020. A Circular Dendrogram plot has also been added.

Several Statistical tools and Apps for OriginPro have an option to create Dendrograms.

OriginPro further provides advanced customization of these plots, such as switching and swapping nodes, and extracting specific nodes to new graphs.

More information at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Dendrogram of spectra classification
Dendrogram of spectra classification
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Circular Dendrogram from Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of lung tissues.
Circular Dendrogram from Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of lung tissues.
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Heatmap with Dendrogram
Heatmap with Dendrogram

Other New Graph Types

The following new graph types have also been added in OriginPro and Origin 2020:

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Population density of 37,000 US Cities plotted using the new *Color Dots* plot. The Import Shapefile App was used to overlay state boundaries.
Population density of 37,000 US Cities plotted using the new *Color Dots* plot. The Import Shapefile App was used to overlay state boundaries.
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Kite Diagram with individual data normalized to 100. A shoreline profile has been added as a second layer on top of the Kite diagram
Kite Diagram with individual data normalized to 100. A shoreline profile has been added as a second layer on top of the Kite diagram
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Population Pyramid
Population Pyramid
OriginPro and Origin 2020: Before-After plot
Before-After plot

Copy and Paste Data Plot

Copy and paste data plots from one graph layer to another in OriginPro and Origin 2020.

The data plot will be copied along with the custom formatting. The plot can even be pasted into a new layer as when adding a second Y axis.

Copy and Paste HTML or EMF Tables

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Copy worksheet cells or report tables as HTML/EMF and paste to other applications such as Microsoft Word.
Copy worksheet cells or report tables as HTML/EMF and paste to other applications such as Microsoft Word.

Copy formatted worksheet cells or tables from OriginPro's and Origin's report sheets, as HTML. Then paste to other applications such as Microsoft Word and edit further. Worksheet cells can also be copied as EMF.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Copy worksheet cells or report tables as HTML/EMF and paste to other applications such as Microsoft Word.
Copy worksheet cells or report tables as HTML/EMF and paste to other applications such as Microsoft Word.

Absolute Referencing in Cell Formula

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Use absolute reference for row and/or column. Then drag formula horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Use absolute reference for row and/or column. Then drag formula horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Similar to Excel, you can now use the "$" syntax to create absolute references in Cell Formulas in OriginPro and Origin worksheets cells.

Absolute references can be used for row or column or both row and column.

Formulas can be extended horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

OriginPro and Origin 2020: Use absolute reference for row and/or column. Then drag formula horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Use absolute reference for row and/or column. Then drag formula horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

New Apps

OriginPro and Origin 2020: New Apps

The following new Apps are available with the latest version of OriginPro and Origin. Several Data Connector Apps that are shipped with the product have also been improved and updated.

  • 2D Peak Analysis  OriginPro only
  • Import NMR Data 
  • Video Data Explorer  OriginPro only
  • Neural Network Fitting  OriginPro only
  • Soil and Rock Classification Diagrams 
  • Piper Diagram  OriginPro only
  • Marginal Abatement Cost Curve  OriginPro only
  • Word Connector 
  • LeCroy Connector 
OriginPro and Origin 2020: New Apps

Other Features


  • SQL-like query to pull specific columns from an OriginPro/Origin Project using OriginPro/Origin Data Connector
  • List View in Graph Template Library
  • Object Manager for Workbooks and Worksheets
  • User Tree at worksheet level for metadata
  • CSV Connector: Preview checkbox, Partial import, Data Block marker
  • Excel Connector: Specify Long Name, Units, Comments
  • Drag-and-Drop support for Data Connectors
  • Batch Analysis supports templates with Data Connector
  • Database Import similar to Data Connectors: Data protection, clear data on saving project
  • Copy subrange of data along with metadata in column labels
  • Show column index and data size in Column List View
  • Database import - ODBC speed improvement

Graph Customization

  • Single-click to select data plot in a group, Shift + click to select group
  • Offset data points in box chart and alternate the offset in pairs
  • Separate rug-marks for each panel in Trellis plots
  • Color Scale object improvements including show only Min and Max for labels at outside end; show subrange and tick label formula.
  • Improved tooltip for Contour and Heatmap graphs
  • New fast algorithm for Kernel Density plot
  • Faster data highlight for large data
  • Dense Data Mode on page level for faster redrawing
  • Edit 3D data range or clip data by X,Y,Z values
  • Compact control for font and line format in Plot Details dialog to make some tabs smaller
  • More options in Windrose plot, such as uneven bin size, calm circle and paddle style spoke


  • Faster cell calculation and result sheet recalculation
  • Duplicate book/sheet without data or clone project will keep cell formula and cell reference
  • Copy all open tables from report sheets to paste to other applications
  • Change Parameters... context menu anywhere in result sheet
  • Sum function supports row-wise sum
  • Normalize multiple columns by combining data
  • Batch Processing: Generate a single Word or PDF report file when processing multiple data files
  • Custom formula support in Simple Curve Math tool
  • Context menu on analysis lock to include/exclude hidden rows in analysis
  • Find Apps... menu under Fitting, Peak Analysis and Statistics menu
  • NAG library upgraded to Mark 26.1 version
  • LabTalk expression support in some X-Functions such as add straight line, etc.