Plotting a Trellis Plot with Double Y Axis in Origin 2019

Trellis Plots provide a way to graph multivariate data  in a multi-panel format.  If your column/columns are filled with categorical data, a trellis plot might be useful for a means of plotting your data.

New to Origin 2019, is the capability to plot a Trellis Plot with a Double Y-Axis. To plot this graph, first download Double Y Trellis sample data from the OriginLab website by clicking on the link.  Next unzip the downloaded file and open the .opju file named 'Trellis DoubleY Plot.opju'.

  1. Active the worksheet and select col(D) and col(E), then select Plot and Select Double Y Trellis
  2. After selecting Double Y Trellis from the Plot Menu, a dialog will appear.  Input 1 is already selected however for Input 2: , select the worksheet icon in the Dialog box and select col(F) and col(G) from the worksheet.
  3. Under Variable for Separate Panels for Horizontal select C(Y): Year, and for Vertical select (B): Developing Index.

Note: You can select the option Trellis Plot from the menu bar, however you will need to check Double-Y Axes checkbox in the Dialog.

Origin 2019: Trellis Plot with Double Y Axis

Click Start button in Origin 2019 and type Trellis to see more examples.