The latest Minitab release is packed with new and improved statistical features
and other enhancements that give you greater insight into your processes.
Assistant |
- Improvements made throughout the interface and output
- Report Cards and Diagnostic Reports for Graphical Analysis
- Multiple regression plus response optimization
- DOE for screening and modeling designs
- New menus for Before/After Control Charts and Capability Analysis
- Control Charts and Capability Analysis for equal or unequal subgroup
- Control Charts and Capability Analysis include check for Laney
P’ and U’ charts
- 2-sample Hypothesis Tests for stacked or unstacked data
- Number of levels increased for Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
Assistant DoE |
Assistent Regression |
Graphical Analysis |
Basic Statistics |
Hypothesis tests
- Dialogs updated for consistency and clarity
- Session output includes Greek symbols
Outlier Plot |
2 Variances
- Graph provided to visualize results
- Bonett’s test for continuous distributions
- Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
Outlier tests
- Grubbs’ and Dixon’s tests for detecting outliers
Regression |
Fit Regression Model
- Easier interface for specifying model terms
- Easier interface for calculating predicted values
- Automatic model selection added to main dialog
- New graphs include main effects, interaction, contour and
surface plots
- Response optimizer to find optimal settings
Fit Binary Logistic Model
- Fitted Line Plot for graphing event probabilities
- Easier interface for specifying model terms
- Easier interface for calculating predicted values
- Automatic model selection to identify important variables
- New graphs include main effects, interaction, contour, and
surface plots
- Response optimizer to find optimal settings
Stability Studies
- Worksheet generator to define data collection plan
- Analysis for product stability and shelf-life
Binary Fitted Line Plot |
Poisson Regression
- Regression for Y variables that describe counts
Analysis of Variance |
General Nonlinear Model
- Easier interface for specifying model terms
- Easier interface for calculating predicted values
- Automatic model selection to identify important variables
- New graphs include contour and surface plots
- Box-Cox transformation
- Response optimizer to find optimal settings
- Results option to display full set of coefficients for all
factor levels
- Fisher’s method and graphical output for multiple comparisons
One-way ANOVA
- Single dialog for stacked or unstacked data
- Welch’s method for unequal variances
- Graph provided for multiple comparisons
Test for equal variances
- Multiple comparisons method
- Dialog updated to accommodate stacked or unstacked data
Contour Plot
Design of Experiments (DoE) |
Factorial Designs
- Easier interface for specifying model terms
- Easier interface for calculating predicted values
- Non-hierarchical models
- Automatic model selection to identify important variables
- Box-Cox transformation
- Response optimizer for General Factorial Designs
- Response optimizer option for constraints
Applied response optimizer to general factorial designs |
Response Surface Designs
- Easier interface for specifying model terms
- Easier interface for calculating predicted values
- Categorical variables option
- Non-hierarchical models
- Automatic model selection to identify important variables
- Box-Cox transformation
- Response optimizer option for constraints
Control Charts |
All Control Charts
- Sigma limits drawn in addition to control limits
T Charts
- Exponential distribution option
Quality Tools |
Tolerance Intervals
- Option to store tolerance factors
- Graph includes achieved confidence for nonparametric method
- Power and sample size analysis
Tables |
Cross Tabulation and Chi-Square
- Dialog updated to improve ease of use
- McNemar’s Test for paired proportions
Chi-Square Test for Association
- Dialog updated to accommodate raw or summarized data
- Labels option for data in summarized format
Equivalence Tests |
- Tests for 1-sample, 2-sample, paired and 2x2 crossover designs
- Power and sample size analysis
Graphs |
Bubble Plots
- Graph for plotting three or four variables in a two-dimensional
Bubble Plot |
Updated Graphics
- Modernized color palette, font, and more
View Model
- Regression, GLM, and DOE graphs provide associated model
Additional Features |
Round Date/Time
- Round date/time columns to the nearest year, quarter, month,
Manage Profiles
- DMAIC profile with latest functionality
- DMAIC profile using the Assistant
Default Estimation Methods
- New default estimation methods for control charts, capability
analysis, and reliability/survival
- Visual indicator for missing text values
- View model equation for regression, GLM, and DOE response
- New and improved toolbars for the Assistant, regression,
GLM, and DOE
Portuguese Version
- Minitab available in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese,
Korean, Simplified Chinese, and now Portuguese