Overview of Blog Entries for Programming with OriginPro and Origin 2021

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Post Process of Data after Import with Data Connector

Post Process of Data after Import with Data Connector in OriginPro and Origin 2021

Data is protected after using data connector to import data, so user can't remove or modify data after import. Worksheet After Import Script provides an option to post processing of imported data. The script will be executed before the imported data is locked, so script can do some data cleanup and then data is locked. The worksheet script is embedded in worksheet so user can save worksheet/book as template for future use.

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Post Process of Data after Import with Data Connector

Read more at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro/Origin 2021: LET Function

LET Function in OriginPro and Origin 2021

Excel like LET function is introduced in Origin 2021. The function assigns values into intermediate variables and uses these variables in an expression for calculation.

OriginPro/Origin 2021: LET Function

Read more at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Color Column in Worksheet

Color Column in Worksheet in OriginPro and Origin 2021

Origin 2021 introduces a Color column type with HTML color code support. Color codes entered into the column will show as the cell background color. The user can easily build color lists or palettes with such a column. The user can also directly use the column for applying color to plots.

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Color Column in Worksheet

Read more at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Python-based Import Filter

Creating a Python-based Import Filter with OriginPro and Origin 2021

While it has always been possible to create a user defined Import Filter with Origin C, starting with Origin 2021, you can also create user defined import filters using Python. In this blog post, you will learn how to do it based on a request from a user. It imports date, time, and message data from simulated log files. The files have the same structure as the user's data but they aren't the actual user files.

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Python-based Import Filter

Read more at the OriginLab Blog

OriginPro/Origin 2021: Improved Python Support

Greatly Improved Python Support in OriginPro and Origin 2021

Origin 2021 introduces significant improvements for programming with Python. These improvements include:

  • A new originpro package for easy access to Origin objects.
  • Improved Python IDE, including IntelliSense and debugging.
  • Script and GUI control to install and manage Python packages.
  • Access to Python functions from Column Formula, Fitting Functions, and Text Objects.
  • Access to Python functions from Labtalk and Origin C.
OriginPro/Origin 2021: Improved Python Support

Read more at the OriginLab Blog